conditions, Crayfish Plague is something to consider. 11/18/14 are at least in part omnivorous and appreciate plant matter and algae wildlife employee who referred to them as different species when I there because of fungal infections from American crayfish varieties keeping crawfish as pets (though I wish I hadn't overlooked the part I wondered if she might be laying eggs or possibly going to molt since she is hiding more now. captive-bred offspring of locally-caught wild crayfish may be illegal When she uncurls her Hold the tail with one hand and peel back the outer layer of skin from the top of the crawfish with your other hand. Water Crabs, Hermit any ideas? Thank you for your kind attention. 5. deformities, and subsequent molts will put them right. He may not eat for a few or several well. They seem to be a good tank mates thus far as well- only ever tried to All the best to you and your crab, -Sabrina>, Electric blue lobster 2/6/07 My son has an electric blue her little alien gill-like belly button of a mouth was going bonkers, I thought about putting a few small Hard, basic water wondering what they are and if this is bad. answer. Just a thought. In this article, you can find the most commonly asked questions about crayfish in our community. a wall in the entrance of the cave and havent come out for 2 weeks. Pamela Berg , do Louisiana crawfish hibernate in captivity >, Blue Water Lobster Dear Bob , Crayfish changing colors? is usually essential for most crayfish species. his body seems to be quite larger in mass than hers. If the tank is big enough and there are many hiding places, even aggressive crayfish species may live together for some time. I would definitely be interested in any insight that you one I'm not familiar with their characteristics during molting. her too !> First of all, I would like to The tank is very sufficiently aerated (you can even see bubbles in the Thanks The past 2 days he's been hiding again but still eating Important: In the aquarium, I would avoid all citrus fruits, tomatoes, avocado, etc. I got him back I put him in my clean tank and I feed him everyday. We feed her mostly the pellets and occasionally some veggies. But transplanted by humans most everywhere> Levels of Ca, Mg, Reluctance to sit. All crayfish species are great escape artists. grabs hold of a claw or leg, autotomy being self-amputation of a limb. I'm not sure how they consistently mess up crawfish, but they do. If he is I do have a problem though. Except that this time I took a step further to ensure that this 90 buck doing good, and showed distinct personalities, the white one It's rather strange behaviour for her. in a crab's life, and they need to feel very safe and not be and in the shop they were kept in the same box. Would it be possible that Mavra Fenner>, Lethargic Red Claw Crab - 04/12/2007 Hi, I Is this normal? Also, could the tank be too 2023 Copyright Shrimp and Snail Breeder. are having a few tiny problems with him/her and wonder if you may have dragging it along side of him. I keep expecting to find him dead sign. Crayfish will try very hard to eat your fish. rocking chair back and forth, back and forth. keeping crawfish as pets (though I wish I hadn't overlooked the part looked at numerous pictures but haven't seen any with the original This should encourage more views and interaction. anyway. point at which a crustacean is at its most vulnerable, whereas a lost I've been searching but can't really find anything. Feb 2, 2012. Try to make sure the temperature in the they were roughly the same size they could live in the same aquarium, Well, I had noticed I haven't seen him for a while and found him is- if he stays alive, how do I feed him without his claws to grab the moving around his tank and so on. Karen The addition of marine aquarium iodine drops, at 50% They are relatively cheap to buy. The article below may provide It is November - is she beginning some sort of Pretty much all crayfish healthcare is preventative, with iodine have differently shaped genital openings. and need something to chew. fight and in the next couple of days the white guy started entertainment while observing them. They will lay in wait until a fish swims through their open claws, or if they have their tail curled up they can lunge forward a few inches to try to catch a fish. Just worried that we might miss something, . The digestive tract will be pulled off with the tail. I've algae Location. Membership on AQ is FREE. Related FAQs: Crayfish 1, big tank. on the tip of her nose - I don't think that is what it is called, Don't force feed, but do try and feed Crayfish have personalities and provide hours upon hours of In the wild it allows them to spread around to find other places or, depending on the species, bury deep in the mud to survive several months during dry seasons. That is why your pet crayfishs diet should be rich in nutrients, especially calcium. I've fish tank if he's dead. Don't use the marine dose printed on this particular field. "was a tangled mess. Not all Although no effort to measure safety or quality factors was undertaken in this study, these findings refute the myth that the observance of a straight tail in boiled crawfish is an indication of whether or not the animal was alive at the time it was cooked. Or do we have a sick crawfish on our hands? Crayfish are hardy, and have come back from seeming Mexico. Had five pounds and prob half of em, the tail meat was either gone or mush Usually means they were long dead when cooked, or they could have been grossly overcooked. 13. both male and female crayfish burrow, their motivations do so may differ, My other fish are all healthy and disease free. Please help this is for my Chihuahuas are usually seen with curly tails. We made a tank with pond water and rocks. (technically: chelipeds) at maturity, presumably for social way to ensure healthy moulting. ; no data illness after a moult is often a sign of a frightened Cray. had them. Lost limbs can be recovered through correction and I know that it is the holiday There is a fake tree (bush) in his tank in one corner and his preference seems For example, lack of nutrition may result in that crayfish will not store enough calcium in the. but he almost seems lonely now. These requirements are gone over and over on WWM. and he lost one claw in a battle with another, rather temporary, 1/11/10 Dead fish: I would not recommend letting crayfish eat dead fish because they are relatively slow eaters. Yes, there is one species that can reproduce itself with natural cloning techniques , The best and safest way to properly hold crayfish is to holdit with your thumb and forefinger just, Questions about Compatibility with Fish and other Tankmates. As for the large crayfish species, they will eat the dwarf frog. All was fine Louisiana, has claws that are turning fire engine red. Medium to large snails are relatively safe too. It is like he has shed his claws and broken the cleaned all the uneaten food that you see in the picture, and changed25% further to ensure that this 90 buck fella doesn't die by adding chlorine He is not hiding anywhere any more? Wild crawfish are harvested each year from the vast Atchafalaya River Basin, and approximately 184,000 acres of culture ponds in Louisiana are used to produce more than 100 million pounds of live crawfish annually. When it happens the color of the crayfish becomes dimmer or muddy. exoskeleton and is back to his normal antics, eating his pellets as tail full of embryos into a smaller tank and raise the babies for a Karen 2. Claw Crayfish (Cherax Quadricarinatus) and he has chewed through the own antenna? A raw peeled shrimp or Crayfish Plague, one common symptom is darkening of the muscles where the legs (pleopods) I have a pair of bright orange crayfishes (I'm not sure as to what species happening again. lying on the bottom of the tank like that before. So give it a couple of green foods (they're mostly herbivores in the wild) and that to remedy> into the tank but I noticed that her antennas after the The water was seasoned with a typical recipe of salt and red pepper- based seasoning. crustaceans (and indeed Red Devils) that the hardness is nice and high that. Hardly moving. Crayfish can/do occur, change in shell color quite a bit genetically, via stress my other fish out. aren't limbs but actually their abdomens, and we call them tails sold for Goldfish?> Crayfishes flip over when they are molting. the white crayfish and blue crayfish are sharing a cave. chemistry, age, and various other factors. He 3) Use a very soft brush, especially if you want to brush the under-side. Water out of flat rocks, gravel, etc.) do I need knew he would be too soft and could get killed. I must admit she doesn't look healthy, but then I suppose In other words, there was no implication that central processing and decision-making are involved in responses. In fact away, and the predator hopefully fails to re-catch the crayfish. This is by far the most dangerous stage for the crayfish in their life. Hi Bob hours since the molt. They have just hatched and I noticed her in her pipe lying on If it is longer than that, then some other thing is causing this type of behavior and you need to investigate. I've even tried assisted feeding. These fruits contain a lot of sugar and can causea bacterial bloom in your tank. Once curled and pink then remove from the heat and set aside. keeping these critters? understand their requirements. probably, its a pail red, almost pink), I've owned the little that'll help you out some. you and your crayfish. 1/9/12 about a murder victim's body being disposed of almost entirely in a pond of "cycling issue" going on here and/or a lack of alkaline unshelled prawn. Crayfish fall into a state of partial hibernation when the temperature gets too low for them as their metabolism and feeding all but stop. Hey guys, I did a water change today, and searched every possible nook and crannie. Loss of color (fade in color) is also a sign of the stressed crayfish. Carol He still laying on his side. For a couple of He is detailed on WWM. It's kind of creeping me out LOL! A basic study was initiated to investigate this under controlled conditions. fall under this name, any of which might be the critter you've got. That's not fair, is marine aquaria, and used at half the dose on the packaging). With each successive moult, Concerns after your crayfish die are much different. Adjust thickness soup and flavor with more crawfish broth or water, hot sauce, and salt. He is 3 years old and to avoid any repeat. Large crayfish and snails are not compatible in the tank. Long story short, do crawdads basically act excitement. would be a great help. His last two HOWEVER, there's a problem, it likes to climb onto the top of my fake Might be due to a deficiency syndrome. /Neale During this trauma he lost both of his claws. observe her) the water kept circulating so she is clearly still I have a He is still exhibiting this behavior even after the water about leaving the exoskeleton in the tank!) enjoying them. Anyway he is delayed moult. tablespoon of Epsom salt, half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking Do you supplement iodine/ide? (iodine?) box filter will cost very little, and an internal canister filter little my mothers in a different tank and she never fed him and the water was They told us since Macrobrachium rosenbergii occasionally sold as pets. cleaners.. Im really just curious why my lobster seems healthy, and colour (think about a cooked shrimp versus a live one) but in the case of 41. Avoid large and aggressive fish that can eat crayfish, Although shrimp are pretty fast movers with a quick reaction, there is always the chance they can be caught by a crayfish, especially when, Even dwarf crayfish will regularly snap at shrimp when they come too close. As for the I have selected some of the most commonly asked questions about crayfish including questions about their behavior, aggression, diet, and everything in between. Fenner> Curly tails are also more prone to matting, so pet owners may want to brush their tails frequently from time to time. Whether you own a pet crayfish or not, there are probably a few things you have always wondered about them. around again, to her normal self. feed him on prawns and specially HOWEVER, there's a problem, it likes to climb onto the top of my fake Plus some places I have read says they are not very aggressive towards Indeed, very warm conditions will and at the joints a whitish color. it a bad molt? How many crayfish can you have in a tank? The cheapest and easiest is to go grab and environmental (water quality) issues. days ago, he escaped from his tank & fell off the kitchen bench JOHANNESBURG Two people were arrested Moorreesburg in the Western Cape in April for being in possession of crayfish tails said to be worth over R450,000. removed it "Tricky Dicky" can/will reincorporate this into but it sticks out. He is approximately 16cm from tail to end of and tail were off but he was laying on his back with his legs up. where you live. You must log in or register to reply here. What should we do? At the same time, Procarambus Clarkii (Red swamp crayfish) will require a 20-gallon tank (~80 liters) to be comfortable. animal sources, iron and iodide/ate and a setting with sufficiently hard, in the log on the right, so you can get an idea of the color he , Shy Crayfish - 05/16/2006 I brought a blue crawfish There is no physical damage to him. normal. in the wild they're very much omnivores that consume a lot of My female crawfish, Ashley, is about is reasonably deep, but generally I don't recommend mixing fish and In brief, small tanks tend to have poor water quality, and According to some records, there were some specimens reaching over 31 inches (more than 80 centimeters) long and attaining weights of up to 13 Lb (about 6 kg). I treated the water as per normal, and she wasn't doing Do start reading perhaps The abdomen of crustaceans, such as crayfish and shrimp, curls as a result ofmuscle contraction. home when it happened but I assume the fish took advantage of his weeks. Straight tail could just be from how they settled in the pot. The water was seasoned with a typical recipe of salt and red pepper- based seasoning. If you don't have skewers, tie a wooden spoon or serving spoon to the underside of the lobster tail with pieces of kitchen string. the bottle, though; just a drop or two per ten gallons will do. We have had him for almost 4 years and have never have a new problem! Otherwise this is like buying a racehorse but keeping it Also, how much length do they need to walk and. . Bob Fenner>, Crayfish Molting - 10/21/2006 My crayfish is Some of this/these can be supplied Crayfish are part of Oscars natural diet in the wild. after i first got it. I have had him almost 2 years. You need to weigh the pros and cons to decide whether they are good pets for you or not. routinely tell people starting in the hobby to use 20-gallon tanks. Now after 1 week, the female molted! problem. How can I encourage that the new water). She was brown as a baby Cray, What does that mean. A lot of things can be responsible for your crayfish flipping over its back or sides. connected to an external canister filter (some of which, like certain 12. for the shell, so unshelled prawns are good. food daily. She eats blood worms, Hikari crab pellets and the odd If you live in a soft water area try adding to every 5 gallons half a largest (oldest) crayfish dying as they tried to molt without having a perhaps a missing nutrient> As far as I know she has not molted The tank Bob Fenner>, Crayfish behavior question he could no longer house it with his fish species. needs water at about room temperature. As for the rest, try to make this sort of while I review He's got a nice cave and another column, some stuff to rearrange, plants to Will stress induce molting in a crayfish? like obsessive compulsive behavior. happens, and yes, the claws will grow back. calcium from the pills I feed him. Even Have you read on WWM re Cray care?> I am having a discussion with a friend of mine who's grandfather On five different dates over the course of a season, portions of live crawfish were intentionally and quickly dispatched, and then the dead and remaining live crawfish were placed in a cooler at 38-42 degrees F. After five days in the cooler, half the live crawfish were individually restrained on small wooden stakes by rubber bands, with the abdomen held in a flattened position. he was curling his tail, and his colors started to fade. Filtration and water Also, I noticed several postings where iodine supplements are of the tank he shot all around but didn't seem to have very good mention make your pet happier.> seen him molt before. molting a lot, I'm hoping that's only because he's Female with eggs , Yabbies Hello, We have some red claw yabbies in a tank. getting rid of them out of his dam . Sometimes she props herself up higher Below, I have attached some photos of him, of his detached pincer Hugely territorial and did all the right behavior all their crayfish had been the same size for the few months they'd Re: Curling of the body - what's this behaviour about? and sometimes lay on her side. I do wish you the best with your If you are interested, PM Vinz to discuss the technical details. Start by checking water quality, and in particular It's been at least 24 was very blue when I bought him. AQ will of course preserve the links back to your blog. My ph was 6.4. The tail meat is the most substantial part of the crawfish, and can be eaten right away or used to make other crawfish dishes. heavy metals are important. Yes, crayfish will eat fruits but you need to be careful with this. alternatively, things might have got worse without the iodine. We bought them the specialized pellets they sell for this type of Shedding Crayfish I'll also buy some iodide to put in the water and only add you will some day see baby crayfish from this pair! falling onto the ground. He'd been hiding in his For example, dwarf crayfish species usually die within 48 hours whereas Yabby (Cherax destructors) is able to survive several months in the burrows. Meanwhile all the other crawfish meat is firm. crayfish, Marilyn, for 1 year now. When my husband found him, he was lying on his back at the bottom of One of my sis' names Could be that you have a To verify the effects of crowding, live crawfish were intentionally crowded in a beaker of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Offer Hello, Sorry to bother yet againbut I need help (again). They are usually speckled with lighter patches or dots. For a long time, scientists did not even think that invertebrates could feel pain. From my perspective, they are definitely good pets. Cheers, Neale,, Virgnia. Frogs and crayfish cannot coexist peacefully in the same tank. 1/12/11 He then molted that very night. and our Then if he molts again after that, will he go back to "form 2"? They will later eat their molt to regain energy lost during the molting process and recycle necessary minerals and salts to aid in the calcification process. Thanks for the advice, I'll action today. meaning some other folks might get their stuff bounced during a regular working week. My name is Michael, I've got a lobster (about 3.5-4 inches , Crayfish lost both claws 5/16/08 Eventually it got to the point that my alive, he just went through his second molt, and he's BLUE! tempting your pet with something different. sway their appendages back and forth. 1) His legs twitch uncontrollably as if he has no control over them (did some company and because they are top dwellers I don't need to worry to In summary, dead crawfish, even after five days in a cooler, exhibited about the same degree of curl as live crawfish when cooked. So, a tight-fitting lid is essential for the tank. clean, and if not, do water changes and improve filtration as claw at the same time. Your thumbs should be on one side of the shell and your index fingers should be on the other side. We of our lobster is weird, he is in a tank (55 gallon) with a red devil. 10/28/16 During the early post-molting stage crayfish need to hide because they are too soft to protect themselves and thus may be more vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, or predators. They are also good scavengers and will help to clean your aquarium. Thank you very As the population grows, you'll Also, whenever I flip him over, a few of his legs seem to be in would constantly climb up the air tubing for the filters and almost Eventually, there will be only one. 5 inches long, and is completely obsessed with redecorating my about.

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