The Blind Eye Society members revealed themselves as fellow townsfolk and planned to erase everyone's memories until McGucket intervened. Dipper feels down due to being unable to do anything without Mabel but Wendy encourages Dipper to find his sister so they can stop Bill again. Dipper and Wendy manage to escape Gideon's gang and steal a car to drive to Mabel's bubble. The group raids the tower to save Mabel but when Mabel wakes up, she reveals that she created the place called Mabeland. That really works! Do They Have to Be Puns or Whatever?" As Bill fights the Shacktron, Dipper is with the rescue team charged with getting into the Fearamid and rescuing Ford along with everybody captured by Bill. He observes unexpected results as people tease him for and run away from him because of his voice, and ultimately decides that he would rather have his own voice than any other after being chased by a mob of bikers. In "Blendin's Game," he and Mabel decide to throw a surprise party for Soos' birthday, only for Soos to displeased about it. Stan then notices and saves them and by doing that he wins the election. Dipper overhears Wendy talking about breaking up with Robbie. Home "Old Man" McGucket's Conspiracy Corner Marathon. My Blog URL : Mason " Dipper " Pines [1] is a fictional character and one of the two lead characters in the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls. "Mabel" is a pretty old-fashioned name. They go to their next tourist trap to prank and Dipper tries once again to talk to a girl, this time taking Stan's advice and he succeeds. They are chased by Gideon and manage to escape. Loving the new Waddles, he and Waddles work together on a few things, the most significant thing being the Smarticle Accelerator. he gets trapped in a pinball machine with Mabel and Soos as a result of cheating to help Soos achieve the high score on a pinball machine in the shack, and the sentient game tries to kill them for what they did. Bill changes all but Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Ford into tapestries and threatens the children if Ford doesn't tell him how to destroy the barrier surrounding Gravity Falls. to which they all laugh. However, his outlook on the evening changes after Wendy mentions that she thinks such an activity is more suitable for little kids and invites him to a party. He has somewhat messy brown hair and relatively pale skin, and his nose is a bit darker than the rest of his face. By the end, the Shape Shifter says to Dipper that he will never find the author and something terrible is going to happen in Dipper's future. The officers then play a video containing the history of Gravity Falls and how Quentin Trembley was elected to be the eight and a half president of the U.S. Blubs then says that they're going to escort Trembley's body and the twins to Washington D.C. After they get free, Quentin Trembley awards him with a key that opens any door in America and a $-12 dollar bill. Diogee_the_D_O_G 4 yr. ago No that's not the reason they exist. Dipper represents the pine tree in the Zodiac . He then sees a headless brain with bloodshot eyeballs staring back at him. Dipper strays from the procedure by talking to Wendy "like a normal person," the clones deem him unfit to dance with her and unsuccessfully try to imprison him, and ultimately fight to their deaths via fire sprinklers. However, Stan and Ford break into an argument and the wheel doesn't work right when Bill returned. Bill was whispering to Dipper. "Dipper Pines[source], "She's not much for first impressions, unlike this guy! Memory Gun (destroyed)Size-altering flashlight (destroyed)Journal 3 (abandoned) He enjoyed any opportunity to get back at Pacifica for this, such as revealing to her that her ancestor wasn't the real founder of Gravity Falls as she had thought and convincing Mabel to beat her in mini-golf by cheating. ", ending up with both twins poking each other. Allies Dipper reassures her that she is more than just a pretty face and that she shouldn't care about what her family thinks, after which she hugs him. Ask me anything! [14], When Stan hosts a party at the Mystery Shack, Dipper helps set up the party and works the ticket booth with Wendy, viewing it as an optimal opportunity to spend time with her. Dipper writes about his adventures and confrontations with the paranormal for the. There, the twins and their friends try to escape by disguising themselves in various costumes to go unnoticed, but Soos gives them away when he plays with the cackling skulls. Ford once again tries to convince Dipper to be his apprentice and Dipper accepts. Dipper and Mabel cower at the sight of a now huge Gideon Gleeful. Signature Despite disliking Gideon, Dipper agrees that Gideon has an "admittedly beautiful singing voice."[37]. One of Dipper's countless failed attempts to fix his mistake with Wendy. Thirteen year old Sherman "Shermie" Pines wakes up in his grandson's body with no iidea how he got there. Dipper then realizes that the reason the ghosts were upset was that everyone who disappeared were acting like the teenagers that they were. As Stan, Soos, and Mabel break-in for various reasons, Dipper ends up pursuing his sister in a road chase to the lake, as she stole a pool cooler in which to transport Mermando. She brings this up occasionally, using this as an excuse to "tell him when he is older," much to his annoyance. After feeling embarrassed about his attempt to talking with girls, Dipper is given advice by Stan on how to talk with girls. The group returns to the Mystery Shack after seeing the town deserted. After escaping its grasp and regrouping with Mabel and Soos they formulate a plan to stop it. With the help of Wendy Corduroy and pointless questions, the two Mystery Shack co-workers will attempt to reveal the truth behind their young friend's true identity. In "Not What He Seems" Stanley, Mabel, and Dipper are seen on the roof of the Mystery Shack bonding by exploding fireworks. He screams and opens the fridge door again. [1], On the hottest day of summer, Soos and the Pines decide to cool off at the local pool. He's a curious, clever, and inventive 12-year-old paranormal investigator who turns 13 by the end of the series. While looking around in Journal 3, I found a page called "The True Theory Of Weirdness" and it is TRULY THE TRUE THEORY, BECAUSE DIPPER ACCIENTLY REVEALS HIS NAME! In the episode "The Legend of the Gobblewonker," Dipper goes fishing with Stan and Mabel as a family bonding day. He remembers reading in Journal 3 that Nathaniel Northwest may not be the town founder of Gravity Falls. [3] He is armed with the journal marked "3" that he discovered in the woods. "Dipper Pines[source], "You're the worst. I found the answer to why this may be, turns out you can make a pentagram on the Illuminati seal on the dollar bill, using the exact letters that spell MASON. When the other droid confronts Dipper, the droid self-disassembled after detecting a calm Dipper. Stand up to Bill, and let us save her! Dipper represented the Pine Tree and the wheel is almost successful. Even though they are initially more vocal about their dislike of one another, they eventually agree not to brawl in front of Wendy, due to fear that they will both lose her if she sees them fight.[15]. As Dipper and Ford run outside, they witness Bill fulfill his plans. Though initially, he assumed Pacifica confirmed herself to be the worst by lying to him about the mansion's haunting, Dipper later realized that Pacifica regretted lying to him, was ashamed of her family and herself and was sympathetic to her situation. [2] Dipper appears in all the episodes of Gravity Falls alongside Mabel Pines, his twin sister. Robbie comes in and talks to Wendy, asking her to go on a date with him, but Wendy is upset with Robbie for standing her up the night before. ", Though it is never revealed in the series, in, The name "Mason" means "Stoneworker." :0 Showing 1 - 6 of 6 comments Unregistered User Nov 16, 2016 @ 10:28am What a dorky name. That really works! They willingly let themselves get caught by Lolph and Dundgren to win the time wish for Soos. Ford yells for Dipper's help to get his attention quickly and Dipper runs to Ford to help. In "Roadside Attraction," Candy harbors a crush on Dipper during their trip when he commented on her glasses and how shiny they were. Gideon's signature is seen alongside many other signatures on a note that was given to Dipper by Wendy as a parting gift so that Dipper can remember them all. Later, upon seeing Dipper turned to wood by the ghost, Pacifica overcomes the will of her parents, saving him and the other guests. Powered By ByeongGeun And Yune And gRRr. When they reach the ground, Xyler and Craz meet them and take them to Mabel's tower. Such as when both he and Mabel made puking noises whilst spraying silly string onto each other's faces in "Double Dipper". In "Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons," Dipper asked Ford if he could help with his work, but following a private agreement with Stan, Ford turned him down claiming that it was too dangerous. Take a trip. After his initial efforts fail, Gideon decides to shrink Stan himself before taking control, and Dipper and Mabel set out to save their uncle and his business, still bickering about height along the way. An older name for the stars of the Big Dipper was Odin's Wain, or Odin's Wagon, referring to Scandinavian mythology. Dipper is ambidextrous, but tends to use his right hand more than his left. Once Ford is rescued, he tells everybody about the Zodiac and how it can destroy Bill. Mabel saves Dipper from banishment but Dipper is tried in court for Fantasy vs. Robbie and Dipper are arch-rivals, primarily driven by both wanting to win Wendy's affection. When his boss, Mr. Poolcheck, driven by extreme anger, forces Dipper to work the night shift to ensure that no pool supplies get stolen or damaged during the night. Mabel shrugs it off, but Grunkle Stan completely believes Dipper's story, relating it to when something similar happened to his old girlfriend, Carla "Hotpants" McCorkle. neverninja3 4 yr. ago After capturing the ghost, he accidentally lets him loose after he tells Dipper the story of the Northwest Manor, and returns to the mansion, bringing the taxidermy animals to life and turning everyone into wood. Despite failing to find any incriminating evidence, Dipper confronts his sister on the theory, resulting in an argument. Dipper shouts wanting to return to the real world and he is quickly arrested. Xyler and Craz present Mabel's case, showing Dipper and Mabel's unfortunate events through their years but Dipper counter argues that Mabel simply wanted to escape reality because she didn't want to grow up. [3][15] Additionally, Soos frequently acts as Dipper's and Mabel's sidekick as they investigate Gravity Falls' mysteries, and may take charge on occasion. While Ford sends Mabel to find unicorn hair, Ford brings Dipper to his private study. Shortly after accepting the gnomes' ring, she uses the Mystery Shack leaf-blower to defeat the gnomes, impressing Dipper. He originally thought Wendy's name was Wanda. Dipper tries to get Rumble to fight Robbie for him. They recruit the gnomes to get the deed back from Gideon, but not only does the plan backfire, but Gideon gets Journal #3. He tries again with the laptop, and it announces that there were too many failed entries, and it would erase all data in 5 minutes. His nightwear or comfortable outfit for hanging around the Mystery Shack is the same as his regular outfit, but without his hat, vest or shoes. However, things take an unexpected turn when the twins swap bodies. Dipper's and Mabel's Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun! What is "The-creature-whose-name-must-never-be-said"'s real name? As the bus drives away with Dipper and Mabel, Dipper opens the letter which is a note that says "See you next summer" signed by all of the friends Dipper and Mabel made while they were in Gravity Falls. Dipper figures out that a hidden button was in it, opening a secret passageway, where they watched as the Blind Eye Society erased Lazy Susan's memories with a ray gun. They usually relate well, with them doing some "guy stuff" together,[26] and Soos often gives Dipper guidance. He goes up to the ghost and tells him he's not a teenager; He is, in fact, only 12 years old. So what is Dipper's real name? C. Xanthar. Dipper and Mabel taking on the challenges. Later in the episode Dipper and Ford bond over their favorite board game, Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons. Dipper tells her to shut it down, but Stan convinces her not to, much to Dipper's distress. Dipper tries to opt out by claiming he is going through one of his "irrational girly mood swings," but this is ignored. In Mabel's "Trooth Ache," he is the witness and victim of many of his uncle's lies and disapproves of Mabel's use of Truth Telling Teeth to force Stan, to be honest, getting especially annoyed when he just says whatever comes to mind. After the incident, they are seen enjoying each other's company, having moved past their animosity and become friends. Does Bill cipher like Mabel? "When life gives you lemons, extract the juice and use it to draw a treasure map in invisible ink. "Ah, summer break; a time for leisure, recreation, and taking 'er easy unless you're me. Dipper and Mabel's seasonal allergies act up at the same time. Despite his better judgment, he puts it on. Dipper gets a voice changing formula from Old Man McGucket. Soos momentarily destroys the monster after driving through him, he reassembles and chases them into the Summerween Superstore. In "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls," Dipper shows concern for Gideon after discovering his punishment by Bill for helping Dipper. Once he realized that Ford is just a nerd like him, he gets way less embarrassed about it. However, this is followed by a clip of Dipper and Mabel recoiling in disgust. During the events of "The Love God," Robbie blames Dipper for Wendy dumping him and announces a hatred towards every member of the Pines family for "ruining his life." Although, when the real Dipper goes to bed in his new room he feels lonely without Mabel, which causes him to move back into his old room in the attic with Mabel, and then gives the new room to Soos to replace his painful break room. Toronto Maple Leafs. After the adventure, Ford shows Dipper what he's been doing in the basement; not only did he destroy the portal, he also contained an interdimensional rift created by the portal. The character is voiced by Jason Ritter, and designed by and loosely based on the childhood of series creator Alex Hirsch. McGucket explains that he doesn't recall anything about the book but when Dipper flips to one of the pages with a strange symbol on it, McGucket panics, revealing that the symbol belonged to an unknown group who possibly did something to his mind. Later in the week, Dipper and Mabel celebrate their 13th birthday with the town. Being underestimatedClick "expand" for full listBeing called adorable[14]Wendy dating RobbiePeople messing with his sister[16][9]Mermando[17]UncertaintyDippy Fresh Dipper replays the message for Wendy to hear, and Robbie quickly says he didn't know about that message as he had ripped the song off from some band. In the Gravity Falls: Lost Legends story "Face It", Dipper becomes angry with Pacifica when Mr. What's-His-Face takes Mabel's face after Pacifica uses Journal 1 to summon him. Gideon's attention is caught by Mabel's laugh while she is leaving the tent, prompting him to visit the Mystery Shack to ask her on a playdate, to which she accepts. and Deputy Durland find them there and they say that all they had to do was to follow a trail of wrappers left behind by Mabel. Dipper had never been to a concert before the events of "The Love God. Dipper is later sent by the Manotaurs to conquer the Multi-Bear and bring back its head, as a final test of manliness. Once a kiss happens, the mate will become a demon after a week. He will sometimes mutter certain things to himself under his breath, thinking that Wendy can not hear him (though she actually can and does). "Dipper's opening monologue[source], "Mabel, I have very keen powers of observation. However in "Dungeons Dungeons and More Dungeons" Grenda is willing to let Dipper and Ford be killed by the Wizard so that she, Mabel and Stan can watch Duck-tective. Dipper, Mabel, and Soos looking for the Gobblewonker. Dipper tells his and Mabel's experience with Bill and Ford warns them that the fact that they have dealt with Bill is gravely serious. What is Stanley's favorite snack? Reason of the strangeness: In Dipper and Mabel vs. (2012), Stan appears with a different symbol on his hat (a shape resembling Pac-Man). StudentMystery Shack employee (formerly)Assistant lifeguard at the Gravity Falls Pool (formerly) Mason "Dipper" Pines[2] (born August 31, 1999,[12] 5 minutes after Mabel Pines)[20] is a smart, curious, and adventurous 13-year-old boy (12 prior to the events of the finale), and is the protagonist of the series. The character is voiced by Jason Ritter, and designed by and loosely based on the childhood of series creator Alex Hirsch. Mabel saves Dipper with her grappling hook. Tags. It has helped him solve the countless mysteries of Gravity Falls. As Dipper scampers to get some ice, he runs into Blendin Blandin, thus preventing him from reaching Wendy before Robbie and enabling him to ask her out. One of the key. Gideon could almost control Dipper with it and came close to killing Dipper before Mabel came to save him and broke Gideon's amulet.[26]. The character is voiced by Jason Ritter, and designed by and loosely based on the childhood of series creator Alex Hirsch. Mabel then comes in with a lock of unicorn hair. The two do not always see eye-to-eye, often about Stan's illegal activity or Dipper's "immature" behavior and qualities. Mason "Dipper" Pines (born on August 31, 1999) is the main protagonist of the Disney Channel/Disney XD animated series Gravity Falls. They try to seal the rift with the adhesive but Mabel accidentally took Dipper's bag. Whilst playing miniature golf in "Carpet Diem", Mabel states that his shot is out of bounds, to which he responds by poking her with the golf club and shouting "YOU'RE out of bounds! In this alternate universe, Grouse Southeast and How Pines are considered the protagonists, while Sheilen Gleeful and House Gleeful are the main antagonists, along with blue boy Cipher, the twins' slave and the "reversed version" of Gravity . He then remarks on "some vibe" that he just felt. A bus drops Dipper and Mabel Pines off at the Mystery Shack in the opening sequence. Dipper has shown a liking for Ford since he does not make fun of him like Mabel and Stan tend to do. Every night he types in random words on the computer and hopes they work, with no success. Dipper has also shown the ability to outwit others, such as in "Dipper vs. Manliness," when he tricked the Manotaurs into teaching him, and again in "Dreamscaperers," when Dipper was the first to figure out how to fight against Bill Cipher and beating him at his own game using his imagination to conjure various weapons and abilities to use against Bill. Taking 'er easy unless you 're me and regrouping with Mabel and Soos often gives Dipper.! The theory, resulting in an argument and the wheel does n't work right when returned... Sister on the computer and hopes they work, with No success to do a few things the... Designed by and loosely based on the computer and hopes they work, No... Members revealed themselves as fellow townsfolk and planned to erase everyone 's memories until McGucket intervened the theory, in. Silly string onto each other `` Ah, summer break ; a time for,... The adhesive but Mabel accidentally took Dipper 's help to get Rumble to fight Robbie for him him... 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