Isaiah 58:12. Either way, while it is fine to fellowship and join with people of other denominations who hold to biblical doctrine (I have plenty of friends, and listen to plenty of teachers, outside of my own denomination, but they all teach and conduct themselves in line with the Bibles teachings. They needed to be reminded of who the true Christ of Scripture was. Accused is a very loaded, and in this case, inaccurate term. 2And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: And besides all these big names, arent just claiming to over see a church, they are writing New York best sellers, etc. I shared this post on Facebook the same day my new pastor friend requested me. I have to do more research on how these powerhouse preachers are false teachers), teaching unbiblical prayer practices (I cant find where she teaches women about contemplative prayer~ but Im still lookin! Pastors dont read LifeWay studies or pay attention to the false teaching crowd, for the most part. Sermon by Rick Crandall What we believe about that is irrelevant. Mark 10:46-53, Denomination: The result is that those doctrines and beliefs often conflict with Scripture because theyre not based on Scripture but a fallible personal experience. 5:7 ). No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. These believers from different denominations Priscilla references who rattled her theological box may have been part of Priscillas initial exposure to false Word of Faith teaching and false teachers such as the aforementioned Meyer, Caine, and Osteens. I couldnt find these terms in my Bible! I and my attendants will fast as you do. Id be interested in hearing what Tony Evans says about his daughters doctrine. She is the New York Times Best Selling author of more than two dozen books and has had featured roles in movies like War Room (2015), I Can Only Imagine (2018) and Overcomer (2019). Verse Concepts. As a womens leader at your church are you not often asked questions to clarify your personal views? Some would call that circular reasoning. TRUTH AND LOVE But growth to spiritual maturity through the study of Gods word and faithful obedience to Him isnt what Priscilla is offering through this study. Well, man, if theres only going to be a handful of people experiencing what weve learned on the pewthen I want one of those to be me., The story of Joshua and Caleb being the only ones to enter the Promised Land has absolutely no connection whatsoever with how many Christians today will be able to achieve intimacy with God. But when an author rebukes another Christian publicly, as you have Ms. Shirer, than perhaps they may be asked to clarify further? but i will look to the word of God , and i will talk to my pastor. Thank you, Daisy. Deuteronomy 6:4 ESV / 4 helpful votes Not Helpful "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You do not have to know whether or not Im a credible source to examine the evidence in light of Scripture and come to the conclusion that she is sinning. There are two lists of women and two lists of men. Or and be .. You shall generously give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings. In Japan there was a man in the imperial orchestra couldnt play a note. It is teachers like Priscilla who want us to base our beliefs on our feelings and experiences, and that is not biblical. She sounds really nice and charismatic and thats about it but my spirit doesnt bear witness with her. And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. These are just a few of the dozens of examples available on YouTube and elsewhere of Priscilla Shirer preaching to men. FOCAL POINT: TO IDENTIFY THREE DANGERS BELIEVERS MUST AVOID. I. What Ive given you here are not my personal views. My personal views dont matter, and neither do yours. The Holy Spirit decided that what this church needed to combat that false teaching was a refresher course in Christology (the study of Christ- who He was, what He did, and why). Armor of God Workbook with Video Access NOW, I have to preface this with this was MANY years ago. We are to base everything we think, do, and believe on Scripture. Priscilla has also admitted in her book Discerning the Voice of God, p.39, that she reads herself into Scripture, an unbiblical practice sometimes called narcissistic eisegesis or narcigesis. The sweet missionary who taught us wide-eyed teenagers has since passed into Heaven. I think the articles in my Rock Your Role series will help you better understand Gods role for women in the church. CEB Brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit. MATTHEW 14:16 If a big guy writes against a LifeWay person, he might not get anymore invitations. God made you capable and smart enough to read His word in a systematic way, understand it, and grow from it. You are teaching me and I didnt even realize it! Yet, I noticed in your comments that you did not once appeal to Scripture or support your position with Scripture. THERE WERE You should bring these points about Shirer up to your pastor if her studies are being pushed in your church. Go beyond what's familiar. Our desire is not only for all to understand His written Word but for all to experience His Power! And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. Yes, Im afraid thats exactly whats happening. Our new series is designed and I believe inspired by the Holy Spirit to show how Christianity is not just about going to church on Sunday morning. - Theres lingering sin. Im surprised to hear thats her position. If you are considering commenting or sending me an e-mail objecting to the fact that I warn against false teachers, please click here and read this article first. I dont really care about pursuing holiness and growing in Christ. If thats not what youre saying, I apologize for the misunderstanding, but if it is, Im concerned for your eternity. (Yikes!). Hi Lisa- I think the articles in my Rock Your Role series will help answer your questions and give you a biblical understanding of womens roles in the church. It sounds like you want to be discerning and weigh things carefully. I attended a conference with Beth Moore, whom I know you have accused also of teaching and preaching to men. With regard to books, Bible studies, even blogs like mine, I completely agree with you! Hi Tiffany- Thanks for asking! I also have a few tape recording of her Bible Studies that were done either in her Sunday School or her Tuesday Bible Study Meetings where she actually dismisses men from the room when she was at a church in Houston. I can always use more people praying for me. People who are genuinely born again have a hunger and thirst for studying the truth of Gods word and growing in Christ. #4b believers from different denominations Priscilla references who rattled her theological box may have been part of Priscillas initial exposure to false Word of Faith teaching and false teachers such as the aforementioned Meyer, Caine and Osteens. Since you havent had a chance to question Priscilla about what she was talking about here (or maybe it was revealed in this Bible study? Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And it cometh to pass, when all the kings who are beyond the Jordan, in the hill-country, and in the low-country, and in every haven of the great sea, over-against Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, hear --. It doesnt. , an unbiblical practice sometimes called narcissistic. Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, "Do not go beyond what is written." Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other. It is about sin in the local congregation where you actually know the person personally and have access to him/her. Stories such as these are easily remembered, the characters bold, and the symbolism rich in meaning. Where does the Bible teach this? (Edited to add- After I posted this comment, I noticed your comment was addressed to Seth Dunn, not to me. But you have fired a shot across the bow and Im hoping that you will have the courage to further clarify your stand against a sister. Lastly, although you are not directly in front of Travis Arnett, Saikowoods, Taylor Dunn & Seth Dunn, all of which are men who have posted here They are Reading & commenting on your comments and blog, thus you are teaching men. In our modern ), partnering with false teachers (thank you for noting this! Examples: when we She does teach and preach to men whether I say she does or not. No-one is beyond compassion. Run as far away from both of them as possible. So I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions regarding your comments before we begin our study? Priscillas friendliness and genuine care for Christian women seem to shine throughevery word she speaks and writes. :0). on her, one of them probably will. Their focus is on Christian living type articles, not discernment (which is certainly fine, everybody has his own genre). Yes, thats basically the requirement for salvation, but Christians are required to obey ALL of Gods instructions, including the ones about not joining with people who call themselves Christians yet hold to teachings and beliefs that conflict with Scripture. I think youll also find my article Is She a False Teacher? -Opened new 1:37-When these believerswho had experienced different things about God became part of my life, my eyes were opened to see God in a brand new way. Thanks so much for sharing this with me, Kelly! 3. When the Bible says not to do something and you do it anyway, thats a sin. I run into you everywhere man YouTube, Twitter, and now here lol. After a bit of research on Ms. Shirer, Im determined that shes one to beware of. Grayson Baptist Church - July 28, 2013 Olga Souders As I mentioned in my comment, I was here with my wife, completely of my own volition, in no way did Michelle do anything unbiblical. Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer The Mercy of Our Great God (March 24, 2017) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon at Celebration Church (co-pastored by a woman), Priscilla Shirer: YOUR Spiritual Battle & the Armor of God (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN (May 21, 2021) Priscilla preaching to a co-ed audience at Passion 2018, Special Guest Priscilla Shirer (October 11, 2015) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon at The Refuge Church (co-pastored by a woman), What Are You Looking At | Priscilla Shirer | Hillsong East Coast (October 4, 2020) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon for Hillsong East Coast, Women Teachers? - But such as is common to man; rather, except such as is human; i.e. Your defense of Moore and Shirer is based only on your own experiences and opinions. How is this different?. No, I have not confronted Priscilla Shirer about her sin (and thank you for realizing that what shes doing is, in fact, sin). You should learn from us not to go beyond what is written in Scripture. God has not instructed women to preach to or instruct men. Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, and Priscilla Shirer Believe In Teaching Men Tooat Surphs Side. I think it should be obvious that a face to face discussion is different from a written one, so theres no need to go into that. read more, Scripture: But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Paul is quite clearthat people who preach another gospel are accursed, or damned, and that we are not to partner with them. I understand that you have your opinion about Mrs Shirer but to judge I do not think God led you to write this check your heart. TEXT: Matthew 14:15-16. 2. #3 Priscilla teaches to listen for Gods voice. Do you send women to your articles as a response?. to me she lacks conviction of the word I dont hear it; she reminds me of Joel Osteen and thats not a compliment. Thats why I said may have been. Whether that particular moment in time was, in fact, the moment that Priscilla was introduced to false doctrine and false teachers can be debated, but the fact of the matter is that she came under the influence of false teachers at some point and still unequally yokes herself to them and teaches false doctrine today. Bushnell Assembly of God 1And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. (I remember when I was a missionary to New Guinea back in the 80s, the missionaries were teaching us how to reach the unsaved New Guinea nationals by telling simple Bible stories, and stories of how our lives were changed by Jesus. Love Your Life 2018 (March 20, 2019) with Victoria Osteen and Terri Savelle Foy, Know Your God | Joyce Meyer and Priscilla Shirer (In this clip, Priscilla also gushes over Henry Blackaby who mishandles Scripture and teaches a form of mysticism. You do not want to get rid of fear entirely. Not from Scripture. But read her He Speaks to Me Bible study for yourself if you want to assess. August 11, 2002 AM Hummm. Genesis 24:15-20, Denomination: read more, Scripture: Based on Saikowoods earlier post, you are not even familiar with the fact that Dr. Tony Evans is her father. But believers are to grow to maturity in their relationship with Christ and their knowlege of His word. This is a two part lesson as we consider are we going along que sera, sera? Next, as I hope you would agree, Scripture is our final authority as Christians. When a choice you make or an incident happens that will from that moment define some aspect of your life! Heres why. Our young ministry assistant, a woman, is using Discerning Gods Voice for our womens Bible study. It does NOT say, and be baptist. 2 Kings 5:1-15. I can tell that just from your comment. True, and there are many problems with Beth Moore as well. GO FIGURE? As a sister in Christ, I believe we should be happy for their success and teaching us the Word of God. Grr! on Fighting for the Faith, True Woman Conference Speaker Priscilla Shirer Hears Gods Still, Small Voice at Apprising Ministries, Priscilla Shirer and Contemplative/Centering Prayer at Apprising Ministries, He Speaks to Me (April 24, 2008) promo video by Priscilla Shirer, War Rooms Priscilla Shirers Contemplative History, and Why ItMattersat Berean Research, Review of Priscilla Shirers Sermon: The Multitude by Chris Rosebrough, Priscilla Shirer- Mystic by David Sheldon, Priscilla Shirer: Out Of The Closet At The Alpha Leadership Conference 2017at Emergent Watch, Priscilla Shirerat Fighting for the Faith, Fervent Warning on Priscilla Shirerat Christian Answers for the New Age, Why I do not recommend Kendrick Brothers new movie, War Room, part 2 at The End Time, War Room: A Review by Justin Peters at Worldview Weekend, Stand Firm: A Review of War Room at Satisfaction Through Christ, Reblogged this on Seth Dunn and commented: If you are also then do we not have the same Holy Spirit to counsel and teach us? Thats good, but that doesnt change the fact that neither Beth nor Priscilla turn down speaking events that are open to both men and women. Thank you! Jesus had employed many graphic analogies using common things that would be familiar to everyone ( read more, Scripture: God knew what He was doing. - Femina Sola Gratia Is she a false teacher? Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-15 Denomination: Baptist Going Beyond What Is Expected? read more, Scripture: It is Gods plan for every Christianto grow to spiritual maturity and intimacy with Him. Scripture (Romans 16:17-18, 2 John 9-1, Titus 3:10-11, and others) says we are to run from them, not listen to them, and certainly we should not encourage lost people to listen to them, lest they put their faith in a false christ and remain in their sin. How do we respond to those who are new Christians and who still "smell" of their former sinful lives? B. I just do not think its right to judge anyones ministry it causes division with in the body of Christ why cant we just celebrate each other then we can learn from each other. And then help teach it to other women. In keeping with the spirit of Titus 3:10-11, this is your second warning (the first is in the Welcome tab, which youve obviously already read) I will not engage in debate about biblical truth and I will not publish comments or respond to e-mails/messages attempting to engage me in debate. Pentecostal. I am curious, have you confronted Priscilla Shirer of this sin. I'll start.I'll share with you 2 Scriptures that have given me soooo much comfort and encouragement these past few days and then I'll anxiously wait for you to share what Scripture(s) you have been meditating on lately, received a ton of comfort and encouragement from and/or used to encourage someone else. There is no passage of Scripture that says its OK for a woman to preach to, teach, or hold authority over men in the gathered body of believers as long as she has permission from her pastor or husband. Are they preaching from a church pulpit on a Sunday morning as a pastor would? I attended a conference with Beth Moore, whom I know you have accused also of teaching and preaching to men, and before she began she said that she was there under the guidance of her pastor and that if men were present, they should understand that her teachings were meant for women. I am always delighted to answer questions from, and help, women who sincerely want help understanding the problems with a false teacher, understanding Scripture, etc., even if those questions are long. Bible Study Workbooks Priscilla's studies help believers to know the truths of Scripture intellectually and encourage them to experience these truths practically by the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, there are some great resources here. Youre more than welcome to join the study if youd like. Priscilla partners and associates with false teachers such as Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine,Joel and Victoria Osteen, Beth Moore, and T.D. I thought Jesus used parables as a means of illustrating profound, divine truths. I've done this so that you can learn what it means not to go beyond what has been written and so none of you will become arrogant by supporting one of us against the other. What is certain is that Paul, in saying, "do not go beyond what is written," was not teaching sola scriptura. I also have a few tape recording of her Bible Studies that were done either in her Sunday School or her Tuesday Bible Study Meetings where she actually dismisses men from the room when she was at a church in Houston. And His promises will never let you down or disappoint you. *People who blessed us. Before we move on to Priscilla, I just want to reiterate that preaching to men is not the only way Beth is unrepentantly breaking Scripture (although that is certainly enough to disqualify her as a teacher). read more, Scripture: Where does Priscilla get the idea that God is supposed to be speaking in these ways? Steven Furtick is the pastor of Lysa TerKeurst, and he is on Oprahs Super Soul 100 list. Jude 18-19. ), placing herself into scripture and thereby improperly luring women to God through personal experiences of Jesus instead of purely reading the Word of God. (I dont think she was building doctrine in this promotional video, but I could be wrong.). You may have loved her in War Room and want to buy her books. Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Sometimes the Bible can be difficult because it steps on our toes, but I promise, I will always point you Scripture, not to stories, fluff, false doctrine, or your own opinions, feelings, and experiences. I havent done One in a Million yet) this is supposition on your part. So we both have been grateful ever sense, me personally because; as her husband she is my most important ministry, so besides Church, we do studies both together and private, and then share them with one another, we also pray together and so on, but i know (because i have learned, and it is also true of men) sometimes women need women.(Titus.2:3-4). There's more to my answer than you might think. Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 22, 2016 | 5,774 views This is a two part lesson as we consider are we going along que sera, sera? #2 I wasnt aware that Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine and the Osteens were false teachers! My co-leader read your thoughts about Priscilla and I presented your views to the members of our study. Neil knows much more about New Testament studies than I do, but I'm not sure how far forward we can go with the New Testament, given that most of its writers believed their world was about to pass away. read more, Scripture: She begins most lessons with a story or personal experience, uses these stories to formulate her own spiritual principles, and then adds in a smattering of Bible verses (often out of context) to support her ideas. Are they guiding and leading a flock (a church)? As an absolute newcomer to the blogosphere, I very much appreciate you taking the time to construct a Biblically based critique of false teaching. There are two ways in which living in Christ helps us live beyond our fears: knowing that He is completely trustworthy, and doing as He calls us to do. Throughout How to Live Beyond Yourself We can experience fullness of life by acknowledging our weakness, putting our past behind us, striving toward a worthy goal, and going for broke. WHAT'S THAT SMELL?: People just spiritually delivered by God usually dont smell good. This article is more along the lines of a court case where youre on the jury and Im showing you the evidence of Priscilla Shirer breaking the law. When I participated in Priscillas DVD studyHe Speaks to Meseveral years ago, I found her to be an engaging writer, a witty storyteller, and charismatic speaker. Theres plenty of video evidence of it and witnesses who could testify to it. My exact words were: I knew she was his daughter, but Im completely unfamiliar with him or his doctrine. Since I made that comment, Ive seen several endorsements of Priscilla Shirer and her materials by Tony Evans, so I guess that tells us his perspective and the fact that hes not very discerning.

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