Once Mr. Gold acquiesces, Belle and the others watch as Emma crushes a light fairy crystal over the nun's chest, which restarts her heart. She stays in the elevator until Mr. Gold comes to the library. On the way out, Mr. Gold grabs a potion and drives Belle to the town line, intent on escaping from Emma. She is horrified, believing their son did this, but Mr. Gold admits he did it rather than allowing Gideon to do it, as he did not want their son committing a dark act and having no way to turn back from the darkness. She ponders if they can actually help Gideon, and Mr. Gold decides they can by working together for each other and for their son's sake. Mr. Gold professes he doesn't know Elsa and that items in his pawnshop, like the urn she was trapped in, naturally fall into his possession as a collector, but the histories behind them are unknown to him. After learning more about Mr. Gold inability to age because of his powers, Lacey wonders if she, too, could become immortal so they could be together forever. However, after only a year, she dropped out and undertook acting courses. While Emma believes it makes sense Hook wants revenge on Mr. Gold, she suspects there is more to it than that, though she doesn't know what else because Hook stole some of her memories. For the kingdom's sake, Belle accepts the proposal. Regina, gaining the dagger, hands it over to Belle for safekeeping. Once night falls, Grumpy gives the signal when he spots the dissipating barrier, meaning Regina was able to lower it, so everyone begins assembling towards their destination. At the counter, she begins pouring scotch into a cup and accidentally spills it onto the table. Instead, Rumplestiltskin whisks her off to laundry duty. Belle assumes the name Lacey and leaves the hospital to hit up the bar by playing pool and chatting with Mr. Clark. She became a series regular in the second season and onwards after making recurring appearances in the first season, and has become a fan favorite since her debut. From the opposite side of the town line, Belle promises to wait for him. Hook lets her stay on the Jolly Roger, but she becomes concerned with the arrangement, especially what Mr. Gold would do if found out about Hook helping her. Later at the pawnshop counter, Belle is holding a giraffe plushie as she plays with Robin when Regina comes in looking for some ingredients for a locator spell. Mr. Gold reveals he is the Dark One again, after using magic to make the darkness return to him, rather than let it die out from Hook's sacrifice. In the woods, Gaston attempts to win her over with flowery praise, which she finds amusing. After remembering his life from the Enchanted Forest, Mr. Gold has memories of how he lost Belle, presumably at the hands of her father, who is now a flower delivery man named Moe. Jekyll corners her and reveals he wishes to kill her as revenge on Mr. Gold, whom he blames for Mary's death. "Leaving Storybrooke" Occupation: To Belle's amazement, the Yaoguai collapses on the ground and scrawls the message "Save me". There, she admits Anna is missing because of her and apologizes for abusing the dagger and using him. ("Ill-Boding Patterns"), At the pawnshop, Belle is there when Emma and Snow come to Mr. Gold for information about the Black Fairy. However, an all-knowing Belle happily attests that does have good in him, a compliment that surprises Rumplestiltskin. Stumped by the question, Rumplestiltskin shoves her away from him and callously remarks that, rather than someone else, only he is allowed to end her life by crushing her heart. Despite that the spell ingredient is correct, Emma later reveals she never wanted the baby, and instead, she kidnaps Zelena for her plans. I had been planning to do this article for a while and I FINALLY have found the time to do it. Additionally, she has already had her heart broken enough to know when someone is reaching out, referring to Nova's invitation to Dreamy. Mr. Gold believes, despite all this, they can have a future, but Belle refuses to make a choice at the moment and decides to wait until everyone returns home. ("Tougher Than the Rest"), In the woods, Belle and Mother Superior rejoin Mr. Gold after a futile search for Gideon. ("Our Decay"), Not wanting to lose her unborn child to Hades, Belle enlists Mr. Gold's help, though she forbids him from using dark magic. When he tries to kiss her, she is momentarily fazed before directing his attention to the antiquities book, which states the mirror of souls can prove if a person has evil in his or her heart. ("Devil's Due"), Arriving at the nunnery's nursery room, Belle visits baby Neal and Robin, both of whom she has brought formula bottles for. Within the pile, Belle is shocked to see the magic gauntlet, an item used to locate one's greatest weakness, which Mr. Gold once traded to save her life. They kiss, with true love's kiss momentarily lifting Mr. Gold's darkness, before Belle pulls away, having regained her memories. Inside, as she chatters on about the scenic ocean view, he magically freezes her in place and switches out the fake dagger in her purse with the real one. Under a magnifying glass, Belle sees mirror dust embedded in the pendant, which proves Elsa's theory. ("Smash the Mirror"), In an agreed deal, Ingrid allows Mr. Gold to leave town with Belle and Henry once the curse is in effect, so she can be in Storybrooke with Emma and Elsa forever. Zelena doubts Hades would rip up a contract he holds value in, even if she asked him to. ("The Snow Queen"), While everyone spends the entire night searching for Emma, Belle babysits Neal. With the terms satisfied, Ursula pushes Belle, who falls into Rumplestiltskin's arms, as the sea witch and her allies disappear. Though Mr. Gold doesn't wish to leave his beloved, he is forced to by Zelena's will. .in love, and his love was as pervading and absorbing as the fragrance of a flower, or the light of a star. However, since the wand is in Mr. Gold's shop, they seek out Aladdin to steal it for them. Nonetheless, she leaves as he requests. From the Underworld, Mr. Gold sees this event through a crystal ball, after creating a spell in an attempt to locate his deceased child, Neal. She then commands him to drop the heart and unfreeze Emma and Mary Margaret. The clothes Belle wears while she is Rumplestiltskin's maid are similar to the ones she wears in the Disney film. With the curse prick, Belle returns to Mr. Gold, revealing her plan to him. He suspects the ogres are using their young as spies and wants to bring the fledgling to the castle, but Belle disagrees, knowing the men will torture the ogre. Furthermore, it's her dream to see the world, which is what he gets to do. She fires back by pointing out how afraid he's become because she was so close to winning, and swears to get away from him next time so he won't even see her son. Noticing Henry is unhappy, she learns he is disappointed over the fairytale storybook and all the bad things that happen to Regina in it. [4], Belle spends her time at a local tavern when she overhears a dwarf, Dreamy, tell his fellow brethren about how strange he is feeling. After getting free of their binds, Belle and Ariel rush to the mines, where Belle shoves a mine cart to stop the men from smashing the box. A plan quickly assembles for everyone to make their way to the Queen's old palace. Species: HMS Curacoa was a C-class light cruiser built. According to a prop note on a behind the scenes photograph posted by. Even knowing this, Belle still believes Mr. Gold has changed for the better. While Belle wants him to prove he is that man, Mr. Gold believes in doing anything to protect those he loves even by using dark magic. He quickly overpowers her before the sea witch, Ursula, tightens her tentacles around Belle. Knowing his time is almost up, he reminisces about being happy with her in the alternate reality. Mr. Gold, overcome with emotion, believes they now have a fresh start, though Belle heartily corrects him by saying it's a happy beginning. When he passes out, she gains help from the Apprentice to trap the darkness in his heart into the hat. Emma discovers Neal is still alive in Mr. Gold's body. Belle, pleased by this revelation, expresses her renewed hopes to Mr. Gold about always knowing that he was a good person behind the mask of a beast and now he knows it too. However, Hook realizes that no matter how willing people are to forgive him now for his past indiscretions, he needs time to learn to forgive himself. I had been planning to do this article for a while and I FINALLY have found the time to do it. After finding Robin and Regina, Belle gives the baby to them, although she is wary of Zelena's presence. That night, Belle says goodbye to her father, before heading into the car and driving away. She is portrayed by guest star Anastasia Griffith, and is the Storybrooke counterpart of Abigail . He assures her that once they stop Gideon, Mother Superior can be revived. After witnessing Merida's superb archery skills, Belle is doubtful she needs magic to gain the clans' respect when her physical strength is impressive enough. Mr. Gold arrives too late, and when he asks for his son's name, Belle refuses to tell him, for fear he'll use this to track down Gideon. She informs them the book will give them clues as to where to find the Yaoguai, and when pressed, lies and tells them the creature can be found by a lake. The Wicked Witch retrieves the dagger from Rumplestiltskin and then orders him to kill Belle. Really, really loved me. Female David and Arthur interrupt her search to ask if someone came into the shop to pawn a magic bean, but she hasn't seen anyone like that today. Belle resumes life, albeit without Mr. Gold, and begins running his pawnshop. Nearby, at the counter, David quietly soothes Mary Margaret's worries about leaving Neal; saying that Belle is a natural with the baby and she has their emergency numbers if anything goes wrong. During a brief respite, Mr. Gold thanks Belle for not giving up on him, as it was her voice that he heard during his coma, which gave him the strength to cling to life. In a race to stop Emma from completing the spell to snuff out the light, Belle hurries to the hospital, just as Zelena is in labor, explaining that Emma requires a baby's first cry as the final ingredient. As she exits, Belle tells him she always knew there was a hero in him. A lot of us gain the weight and we shouldn't be expected to lose it super fast (or at all). ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), When Ariel enters the pawnshop, Belle is relieved that she is all right after not seeing her since the new curse has been in effect. Noting her friend's obvious discomfort, she comes over to excuse Ruby for the night with the reason being they are having a girls' night out. A t one point, newly introduced Bel (Thaddea Graham) said: "I've no idea what that means, but it doesn't sound good," and it seemed she might be speaking about the episode as a whole. Belligerently, Belle asserts her refusal to believe that, even though Mr. Gold desperately insists she must leave. Beauty and the Beast: An Old Tale New-Told, with Pictures. So when you look in the mirror and you don't know who you are, that's who you are. To reveal the identity of the bean thief, David spots a chalice in the pawnshop and decides to utilize it. They accuse Mr. Gold of causing Archie's death, to which Belle reacts in disbelief. Portrayed by: The belt Belle wears while on the hunt for the, The cape Belle wears when she is returning to the. Eventually, with knowledge from Cruella De Vil and Ursula about the Chernabog, the creature is forced across the town line and fades out of existence. However, Belle's pregnancy still speeds up, after the Queen poisons her tea with the potion. Belle fishes out a photo of the necklace, which David recognizes as belonging to a woman he once knew as Joan, whose real name must be Anna. After returning it, the sheriff reveals the thief's name is Robin Hood and tells them where to find him. To prove it, David runs the security tape, which Mr. Gold secretly manipulates to give the appearance that Zelena used magic to turn herself into a statue, which shatters and melts away into powder. After reaching the diner, everyone discovers the truth. The Black Fairy talks to her, telling her that she is pleased to make her acquaintance. Troubled by the find, she tests the gauntlet out and it leads her to the real dagger. During the day, Belle rushes into the diner to pick up a sandwich from Granny, when the second-to-last petal on the magical rose falls off. ("Skin Deep"), Some time after this, Belle meets Robin Hood again and they have other adventures together. "Once Upon a Time" tells the story of a new world, one in which fairy-tale legends and modern life collide. Status: The star followed the Mayr Method in order to achieve her drastic weight loss. While waiting for Gaston, Belle is offered a chance by Hades to void the baby contract if she lets Mr. Gold and Gaston fight and for one of them to push the other in the river. Belle appears in a photograph in "Is This Henry Mills?". Belle, upon noticing Gideon beside the fairy, lets him know that no matter what he's done to help the Black Fairy, he can always come back to their side. Belle is saved by Mr. Gold's magic but makes it clear she doesn't want him in her life, since he is unable to be truthful with her, and is equally unhappy with Moe for making choices for her. Once an apple-cheeked cutie, the "Highway" actress lost a whopping 16 kilos in 3 months before. Upset, Mulan berates Belle for startling the Yaoguai, which she spent months trying to find. When the healed woman stands up, uncovering a pregnant belly, Belle implores Rumplestiltskin not to make the child fatherless by killing Robin Hood. Belle tries to stop her, and she is backed up by Mother Superior's wand, but suddenly, an earthquake occurs, with the ground opening a portal. She explains that, because she and Mr. Gold are no longer together, she needs another place to live for the time being. ("Unforgiven"), In the pawnshop, as Henry studies the storybook for clues on the Author, Belle walks over carrying a snack as she inquiries about his research. In the musical, there is a Cockney contestant called Babs, winningly played by Claire Moore. Storming into the pawnshop, they request Mr. Gold's assistance, and he only agrees after much imploring from Belle. The 32-year-old actor was seen carrying a baby carrier,. ("Sympathy for the De Vil"), Belle leaves the pawnshop to babysit Neal, and after being finished for the day, she picks up dinner for Will from Granny's. She goes to peek at the inside of the building from the outside window, but is distracted and then kidnapped by William Smee, who brings her to Moe. Belle phones the convent, and upon learning Mother Superior returned in a battered state, she and Mr. Gold rush to her side to find out what happened. ("The Savior"), The next morning, Belle shows up at the diner and surprises everyone with her return. Unbeknownst to Elsa, Belle once met Anna in the past and let her down. Before he can, Lumiere entraps the Wicked Witch with his flames. GALLERY. Without her notice, Mr. Gold switches the dagger; taking the real one while replacing a fake in the pawnshop. In an attempt to free herself, she grabs a key for the cuffs but drops it. Later that night, Greg, who was the driver in the car crash, visits Belle in her room. After he accepts, she heads out onto the ballroom dance floor with him. He makes it short and vague. They kick her off the wagon to find the Yaoguai themselves, but Belle consults the book to track the beast to a mountainous cave. Taken in as a patient, Belle tries to get some rest but is startled awake by Mr. Gold kissing her. As Emma recalls, he had the urn, which Elsa was trapped within, in his vault. Hoping to sway Mr. Gold to their side despite that Zelena is controlling him with the dagger, she sneaks into the farmhouse cellar to coax him out of his prison while David, Emma, and Tinker Bell stand guard outside. Mr. Gold ends up giving him a wineskin he had filled with water from Acheron and glamoured as a heart, which sends Pan to the Worse Place, leaving the box free for the taking. First, a little background on Judy Garland, for those of you who don't know who she is. Hook is keeping her company below deck when Jekyll arrives with news about Mr. Gold stealing the serum in order to kill Hyde. Desperately, Belle attests her love for him is true, but he refuses to listen, throwing her in the dungeon. Occupation: She is a single lady of a certain age and sings of her lust for Hollywood in a song called Bab's . Accompanied by her father, Belle returns with the mirror, and she finds Gaston collapsed on the ground after the ogre attacked him and fled. She also finds out about him being disguised when he invaded Rumplestiltskin's castle in search of the Fairy Godmother's wand. This activates a hidden panel in the floor, where she finds Pandora's Box. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Once Upon a Time fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. ("Swan Song"), Shortly before leaving for the Underworld, Mr. Gold tells Belle of what he must do, and he promises to be away for only a day to retrieve Hook. Blue While spending time getting acquainted with food at the diner, Ruby gives her a small box someone left at the front desk. To have their first dance as husband and wife, Mr. Gold transforms their clothes and adds lighting and a playing gramophone as they waltz together. Heading back to the castle, Rumplestiltskin shows Belle an extensive library, gruffly denying that the room is for her and that he just needs her to clean everything. He states it wasn't his intention, but will use it as an advantage. After last. Mr. Gold argues he has defeated Cora before, but Regina reminds him that was during a time he "didn't have anything to lose". When Belle asks what'll happen if he is unsuccessful, Emma snaps that she'll be the maid to clean up his remains. Belle suspiciously questions her about the accident and the man who used magic to heal her. Without informing Mr. Gold, Belle leaves for the diner and gets Ruby's with possibly reopening the closed down library. Belle grapples with him and eventually frees herself by stabbing him in the neck with a piece of the shell. Later, Rumplestiltskin kicks her out for good, claiming his power is more valuable than her, while Belle brands him a coward for not believing she loves him. After declining, she sets up a dummy of Mr. Gold in the pawnshop to lure Gaston in. Zelena approaches to touch Snow White's belly; claiming the baby will be hers, and she departs soon after. To reassure her, Mother Superior uses her wand to link a rose in a bell jar to Mr. Gold, stating that as long as the petals on the flower remain, he is alive. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: ydelecnormandie.com, +33974562807 Installation et rnovation de rseau lectrique Pont-Audemerr, Lisieux, Le Havre-lectricit btiment,Installation lectrique | SARL YD ELEC NORMANDIE Belle chews him out for not telling her about Gaston's death, while also being irritated at her own botched plan. In a new deal, Pan requests a new living heart for himself, and in exchange, he'll give him the Underworld version of Pandora's Box to keep Belle in during the return trip to Storybrooke. She is more trustworthy of him since their phone conversation and believes that he wants to help her regain memories. She tells him that while she is asleep, he'll have all the time he needs to figure out how to destroy the contract. With her cover blown, the fake nun morphs back into Zelena, who has come to take her daughter away. Regina suspiciously accuses Mr. Gold of wrongdoing but he attests Belle has the dagger and wouldn't order him to harm Zelena. When Dreamy asks her what love is like, she replies that it is the most wonderful and amazing thing in the world, but it does not always last forever. After she orders him into doing so, Mr. Gold professes that he did not know Elsa was trapped in the urn and that he doesn't know her or Anna, though it is a lie, as the dagger is a fake. I liked earlier season Belle because I thought she served as a nice contrast to the other strong women characters. Saddened by the news, a grieving Belle is comforted by Mary Margaret. When Mr. Gold promises to protect her and the child with his powers, she becomes even more disappointed, realizing he is the Dark One again. He accidentally spills wine on her dress, so she goes to clean up, but actually goes to make out with Keith outside. Emilie De Ravin, who plays Belle from Beauty and the Beast on ABC's Once Upon a Time, has a bun in the oven -- and the father is anything but a beast! David and Granny believe in her innocence, as does Belle, who allows them to hide Ruby in the library from the angry townspeople. Calling himself Lumiere, he explains how Rumplestiltskin cursed him after a broken deal. Suddenly, a guest from Neverland, Ariel, brings Belle a sand dollar from Mr. Gold. She also gives the Her Handsome Hero book to her, and asks her to read it to her son often as proof his mother is always close to him. Her words get through to him, and he purposely allows the arrow to miss his target. Hook affirms it did nothing, but he resolves to not to give up on saving her. Unveiling a mirror, Belle's reflection taunts her about being a coward by having once valued a stone over Anna's life. ("The Bear and the Bow"), When Hook enters the pawnshop seeking Mr. Gold, Belle mistakes him for Emma in disguise and aims a crossbow at him, which she only drops after Mr. Gold assures her that it's actually Hook. Hair color: Ingrid then takes the hat from Anna and disappears with her in a puff of smoke. As they tease her about whether she is satisfied with his suffering, Belle asserts she would never be pleased with someone else's misery. In our territory is a certain waterless sea, consisting of tumbling billows of sand never at rest. Suddenly, Emma calls the pair back into the pawnshop, telling them that Mother Superior is waking up after all. Mr. Gold, however, believes no one is capable of loving him, especially since he's already lost her, and their son is now his only chance at love. As for her left-behind fianc, she rejects the idea that her idea of love would fit with someone as superficial as Gaston. Mr. Gold assumes she wants him to wake her with true love's kiss, but he declares it impossible since he is not that man. Belle then questions whether the two of them actually came to buy anything, so Cruella asks her to find something fashionable to adorn her car hood. As the group looks on, Zelena uses the wand to create a cyclone, but she is weakened by a magic drain, giving Regina the chance to reclasp the bracelet on Zelena. While drinking, she sees Ruby being asked out by Billy. Belle nearly succeeds until he warns her it's a trap, to which she notices Zelena has been quietly watching from the shadows. The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . To free her, he wants to use Pandora's Box to trap Rumplestiltskin. She is shocked to learn he stole the child, and his possible sinister intentions for the infant once he comes back at sundown. She screams in horror until he leaves. "Leaving Storybrooke" Mr. Gold then makes a promise to Belle and their son, in that it may not seem apparent at the time but that everything he has done is to keep them safe. After Mr. Gold opens the door with magic, the group find an unconscious Regina and discover Pan took the Dark Curse scroll. Because Merlin is unfamiliar with the magic on the prison bars, Belle helps him with a spell to break them. Convinced that the dagger must never fall into their enemies' hands, Belle meets up with Hook to hand the weapon to him so he can hide it. The women are quickly taken hostage by Pan's associates, Michael and John, who steal the box and leave to destroy it. Deceased She calls him out for torturing the ogre during her absence earlier, while Gaston argues that ogres are evil and he didn't need a mirror to know that. When she questions where her friend is, Rumplestiltskin only states he kept his promise and didn't kill him, although he secretly condemned Samuel to a swamp. On Sunday's Once Upon a Time, viewers learned two huge secrets: Maleficent ( Kristin Bauer van Straten) was once a would-be mom, and that somehow, Snow White and Prince Charming ( Ginnifer. They pronounced the patient, 65, dead at the scene but 30 minutes later he was breathing again. Rumplestiltskin remarks that this person is not dead, though, and simply just lost. Lyotard's Postmodern Condition (1979), one of the most important postmodernist critiques, points to the loss of social and political legitimacy that was once conferred upon society by the grand myths of human progress and technological modernity, the master narratives that explain, justify, and thereby sustain universal truth, historical . Who she is more trustworthy of him since their phone conversation and believes that he to. So she goes to clean up, he wants to help her regain memories the Apprentice to trap.! Discovers Neal is still alive in Mr. Gold desperately insists she must leave vault. Season Belle because i thought she served as a patient, 65 dead... Puff of smoke place to live for the better a broken deal life. And would n't order him to discovers the truth n't his intention but! Taunts her about being a coward by having once valued a stone over Anna 's life tests. An unconscious regina and discover Pan took the Dark curse scroll Belle gives the baby will hers. 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