Free fast shipping on all online orders $50 or more. Small Boy: Term referring to smaller class ships, such as destroyers and frigates. Powder Monkey: Term referring to a sailor sent back and forth for an item, usually tasked to retrive something from below-decks; derives from young boys who served on wooden ships that retrieved powder for broadside firing. a Seaman/Airman/Fireman, getting out of line with a Chief Petty Officer. ", USMC: A person's head. Field expedient ___: Anything that is made or done ad hoc in the field. F.I.I.G.M.O. Peanut Butter Shot: A painful shot normally given in the back of the hip or gluteus maximus. Square Circles: Surface ship operating within an assigned a patrol box. Follies are held about every 6 to 8 weeks while on deployment. Ice Cream Social: Ice cream that is typically served at 2100 on the mess decks on Sundays when underway. VP: Fixed Wing Patrol Aircraft Squadrons. Twig: Medical Service Corps officer. (pronounced "foop-uh"): Fat Upper Pelvic Area: The buldge that protrudes from ill-fitting pants worn by an overweight sailor, or by extension, the sailor him- or herself. Note, on some ships, the 0400-0800 is the 0400-0700, see "Seven to forever" below. Things can also be repaired and gotten into proper working order and then referred to as "checks five-oh." Storecritter: an old fashioned term for the storekeepler rating, now called logies. Usually tasked with dirty and nasty jobs often referred to as "Shit Work.". Utterance of the term is usually accompanied by the McDonald's tune followed by "I'm diggin' it" instead of "I'm lovin' it.". Squat to Pee: An ELT (Engineering Laboratory Technician, a water chemistry and radiation monitor on a nuclear powered vessel) or (. Nomenclature used to identify a bird to boot sailors. Cruise widow: A sailor's wife. AX: The enlisted rating Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician; since merged into AT rating. (2) Generally reliable but incomplete information about a subject. Some "Nuke Waste" treat it as a sort of dubious badge of honor, others remain bitter about it for the rest of their Navy career. See, I Want One Jammed In My Ass, Little Pricks Hurt 2. Pucker Factor: Tension caused by high stress during a difficult or dangerous evolution. in the civilian world. 5MC: A circuit similar to the 1MC, except that it is only heard on the flight deck of an air-capable ship and in engineering spaces. Bush CSG. This follows from a three-section watch rotation, and results in the sailor standing watch at a different time every day and night, repeating every three days. "She was a 2 before going to sea, a 10 out at sea, and back to a 2 when she returned.". Named, due to its apparent high cholesterol content, for Mr. Barney Clark, who in 1982 received a "Jarvik" artificial heart. As in "They were standing around playing grab-ass. Thanks.' And puts the phone down. Butt Kit: Ash tray. Lobster: A female sailor. Generally a lazy navy cook phones it in by opening an industrial size can of ravioli and dumps out a couple loaves of white bread and calls it good. squared away" above. Dirty Boat Guy: The nickname Dirty Boat Guy or "DBG" is associated exclusively with the US Navy's Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman. Also sailor(s) who head for the quarterdeck immediately after "shift colors.". A water craft small enough to be carried on a ship (ships themselves may only be called boats by members of the crew who have completed a deployment). See "titless wave." Deck Plate Leadership: That level of leadership greatly appreciated by commanding officers and the ward room: Enlisted personnel who know what needs to be done, how to do it well and right, and who are able to lead the people working for them to get the job done. Screaming Alpha: A sailor who is on fire and is running around screaming. Elephant Scabs. Usually consists of one cruiser, one supply ship, and one or two destroyers, frigates, and submarines. See also WESTPAC/LANTPAC widow. So-called because they urgently whisper "Masagi?" Similar to "bulkhead remover," an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel. Presently, in the USN, it refers to the alcoholic brew offered at social events like "dining-ins" and "dining-outs." It has a hand cranked dynamo which will produce a whirring sound on the other station, hence the "growl.". Honch ("the Honch"): Entertainment district just outside the main gate of Yokosuka Naval Base. Before OBAs the Navy developed and used RBAs--Rescue Breathing Apparatus. D.B.F. OUT! In rare cases, the S.N.O.B. Trips to the beach are generally low key. aback (of a sail) Filled by the wind on the opposite side to the one normally used to move the vessel forward. Flag, Flag Officer: Rear Admiral (Lower half) and higher ("flag" rank, because they are entitled to show a flag with an appropriate number of stars on their car, ship, building, etc.) PT: Physical Training. EAOS: Expiration of Active Obligated Service. Circa 1981. Brown Trout: Occurs when some Hull Tech blasts the sewer lines, causing raw sewage to be disbursed onto the decks of lower level berthing areas. Rack Oyster: when you bust in your hand and slurp your own semen for a late night snack primarily used on frigates you want to go to MidRats? Im good bro, I had a Rack Oyster before watch. There are generally four runs that must be successfully completed. A.K.A. Aboard a ship, it is a can with a hole in the lid, usually hung from the bulkhead near watch stations. sign. Without a change of course, this will ultimately end in a collision. Retired RMs may often use ZUG in place of "no" or "negative.". ), but does not have the skills to compete successfully. P.A.P.E.R.C.L.I.P. ", Ricky Fishing: Masturbation. Wog Dog: Sailor acting as a vicious dog and part of the "Royal Party" during Shellback initiation. The most enjoyable parts are the "roll calls" from each squadron, and the skits that two or three of the squadrons perform. Skimmer, Skimmer Puke: Surface sailor (this term is also used in other English-speaking navies - the RN, RCN and RAN). Fuhgowee's: Code word for ditching work and going home at lunch time, so as not to be suspected by PO1, Chiefs, etc (used in Newport News Drydock). Each crewman was allocated a limited number of these messages during each 3-month patrol and they were severely censored to protect the submariner from news that could negatively effect the emotional condition of the recipient. "We're going to have great liberty this port: A tuna boat just pulled in!". A common-sense way of saving it is to wet down while taking a shower and then TURN OFF THE WATER. Sailor 1: "What are you having for chow?" "Well, one alfa main feed booster pump went limp dick so we put one bravo online.". Examples: Morale Officer, Mess Officer. HT Punch: A mythical tool newbies are asked to fetch from the engineering spaces. Titivate: To spruce up or clean up the ship and its company. JO Jungle: Pronounced "J-O Jungle; term for the berthing assignments of Junior Officers which consist up eight racks and associated berthing facilities. Febri Braada Suoljah. Usually used by seasoned boots to refer to sailors with one or more weeks less time in service. V2 Division: Maintenance of Catapults and Arresting Gear. See also TSC. Bilge Turd: Derogatory term for "Boiler Technician", typically from jealous Machinist Mates who wish they could be as badass as the now extinct Boiler Technicians were. In his well-known I'm-still-totally-asleep voice, he says 'heeeey. NQP: "Non-Qual-Puke": A non-qualified crewman who is not yet able to stand watch. On small boats, the "First" is in charge of boatswain mates and deck seaman. Spook Shit: Equipment that one doesn't know the purpose, function or ownership of, which when it's gone leaves as the only trace of its existence aboard ship an unused circuit breaker labeled "Spook Shit" in grease pencil. BMOS: Big Man On Ship: Often refers to the ship's Captain. Generally refers to the ship's engineering plant being online, e.g. The F-8 Crusader was universally accepted as a tits machine. Pineapple Fleet: The Pacific Fleet, usually refers to the Seventh Fleet (in the western Pacific) and specifically to ships stationed in. Specialized training for Avaition maintainers. Non-Qual Navy: Derisive term used by Naval Aviators, Submariners, and SEALs to describe the Surface Navy. I dont want to die.. For more, see. Cunt Hair: A very small unit of measurement, used when eyeballing something. Hall of Fame Companies are also given precedence above Color Company, and are given the honor to be the first recruit company to Pass in Review. All of these were later designated as Cruisers. Also called an Ensign Salute. Generally only applied to someone who has earned the speaker's respect. They "shit" words out when one squeezes the handle. HACQ: (pronounced "hack") House Arrest, Confinement to Quarters: Unofficial punishment where an officer is confined to his stateroom, usually during a port call. "All hands heave out and trice up." Only used Chief to Chief. See "Chub Club.". The Navy's senior admiral and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2) Editing a poorly worded memo or document for clarity. Can also refer to the air wing itself, as in CAG-1, CAG-5 or CAG-14. WESTPAC widow: Sailor's wife looking for a temporary fling, often with another sailor. Just press the I Believe button. "Oh, about a cunt hair." Date Supplier Customer Details 43 more fields 2022-08-15 Barpat Inc. Carquest AUTO PARTS AUTO PARTS Bill of lading: 2022-06-27 Barpat Inc. Jasper Engines & Transmissions TRANSMISSION CORE . Differs from leave (see above) in that one must stay close to one's home station and it is generally much shorter. Could you shift our barpat yeah, one six five. Called that for the fact the turds could look like a rumpled brown fish. DLGN: Destroyer, Leader, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. WEFT: Typically it stands for "Wings, Exhaust (or Engine, for prop aircraft), Fuselage, Tail" and is a method by which ship's lookout stations can visually identify aircraft within the vicinity. SWEATEX: (1) Any evolution or situation, to be performed by an individual, a ship, or even larger unit, subject to scrutiny by a superior, such as a major inspection; (2) An evolution that involves one sailor working while his/her superiors are watching and waiting impatiently. The EpiData Center Department (EDC) Application. Game can be played by partners. Usually only found on submarines due to a significantly smaller number of nukes stationed onboard a submarine. (Onboard Submarines, often used as part of the phrase "Air Breathing No Load," meaning a useless sailor or rider who is using up resources and providing nothing in return.). Strikers are sailors that enlist without a guaranteed rate (job), with the intention of floating around until they find a department where they fit in. "What do you do onboard?" Grip and grin: A public affairs or awards event in which some member of the command must shake hands, smile, and have their photo taken. The washer or nut spins wildly due to the high pressure of the steam. Striker: Sailor receiving on-the-job training for a designated field (or rate). Mamasan: Proprietor of a bar or other such establishment where sex may be procured or negotiated. vies. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and GE Power Conversion has provided a boost to the indigenous capability in the field of advanced technology for Integrated Full Electric Propulsion System. It may be fixed, as in those mounted on the bow of a ship below the waterline, or mobile like those "dipped" by anti-submarine helocopters. Non-skid: A rough epoxy coating used for grip on weather decks. Night-Ops: The throwing of trash or other unneeded items overboard at night to avoid the longer process of properly getting rid of it. Typically these shops are found on aircraft carriers just forward of hangar bay 1 on the 01 level. Ahead Flank Liberty: The fictitious speed at which a ship travels after a mission or patrol is completed with high marks and the ship is headed into very nice foreign ports that cater to visiting US Forces. If it goes through a bulkhead, it's a door. Rope and Choke: Highly advanced and ultra accurate way the Navy determines the body mass index of people who are deemed too heavy for their height. This is almost always used when ashore. Data Science aspirant with passion for turning data into actionable insights, and meaningful stories.I enjoy the journey with the data. KVAR: "Shows up as an apparent load on the system but does no actual work." Term used to refer to the lucky nuke who gets out of the Navy next. (3) Issued wool peacoat. Usually headed by a junior officer (JO). Helmet Fire: When a pilot becomes so task saturated in the cockpit that he loses the big picture and situational awareness (SA). ". voluntarily relinquishes his/her title to a "second-termer" that gets out of the Navy earlier who exhibits extreme disgruntlement and is generally accepted by the "first-termers" as one of their own. Used for testing Weapons Replaceable Assemblies (WRA's) on E-2C Hawkeyes, F-14 Tomcats, and S-3 Vikings. Also called. Also known as pounded the pooch or popped the puppie. void perif:: BarPAT:: representData() override private The representation of this peripheral's data in a meaningful way for debugging, caching, and database operations. An E-7 HT is an HTC, "Head Turd Chaser". Dome: A SONAR transmitter/receiver. (example: 1/3, 2/3, Full, Standard, Flank, B1/3, B2/3, BI, BEM), Benny: A treat or reward, derived from "Benefit.". Evil Planet Notorg: Groton CT. (Notorg is Groton spelled backwards.). JOPA: Junior Officer Protection Association. Rayhan Hafidz. It is sounded during flag ceremonies and funerals, generally on bugle or trumpet. Sailors tend to call doors "hatches," but the term actually only refers to openings in the deck. Render honors to port/starboard: A custom in the Navy to honor a ship passing with a salute, it is also used when passing by the Arizona Memorial, an announcement is made ". "Boot ensign.". Often used in, "Damn, we just did a six-month WESTPAC, barely got home for a week, and now we're heading out again?". VAW: Fixed Wing Carrier Airborne Early Warning aircraft Squadrons. Earn 5 points for every $1 spent across the Gap Inc. family of brands. Civie cut: A civilian haircut worn by males who live around military towns to distinguish themselves from military personnel. OBNOB: Only Black Nuke Onboard. Batphone: A dedicated outside telephone line (not for personal use) typically for shore power or security purposes. Most schedule writers will have a "snivel log" for such requests, which may or may not be granted based on the needs of the unit and the sniveler's standing with the schedules officer (Skeds-O). Lather up and wash. ASH Receiver: An "ash tray." Such a lax procedure could spell doom for a sinking ship if hatches were not absolutely watertight.) 180 Amnesia: Occurs when a sailor has been deployed and selective memory is desired to deal with questions asked by his or her significant other. So named because one's sphincter tends to tighten up or "pucker" involuntarily during such times. The Kool-Aid-like beverage dispensed on the. Term referred to newly reported sailors with no qualifications or experience. Three Frame Rule: Refers to a sailor or situation that is inherently dangerous. Skateboard: A clipboard full of random papers carried as a skating prop, to provide a visual "excuse" for wandering around the ship. MRC Card: literally Maintenance Requirement Card Card, LEO Ops: Law Enforcment Operations Ops; etc. In an alternative version one will be pregnant. PD-8: Fictitious valve requested to be found by junior sailor in order for an engineering qualification to be signed off. Fart sack: Canvas mattress cover (In cold conditions sailors sleep inside them for extra warmth.) IBM (Instant Boatswain's Mate). Working Party: When there is loading of supplies, the Quarterdeck will call for a "working party" to be manned by each division of the ship, the number depending on the task. Haze Grey: The color painted on Navy ships. A "red cunt hair" is a slightly smaller unit of measurement. Ghetto: Open-bay barracks, usually reserved for single sailors who are in transit or otherwise temporarily assigned there. Also COMHOUSE, COMHOME, CINCHOME, HOUSEPAC, etc. Smile. The edge of passing or failing at something, or ". barpat inc. is a Other Supplier, the following trade report data is derived from its trade data; the company's import data up to 2022-08-15 total 56 transactions. The role of a merchant navy officer is to take care of the country's commercial shipping. These films may be found on YouTube. Tronchaser: Those in the AT (primarily I Level) rate who work on Navy avionics. During the six hours off you eat and sleep. Much easier than the dreaded "helo dunker. Service Dress Bozo: Service Dress Blue uniform with a bow tie worn by a junior officer to a formal event for which he was too cheap to buy a formal mess dress jacket. See "sea pussy.". A career as Merchant Navy usually involves the safe transportation of goods from one place to another. However, since training for this tends to be spotty at best, identification of aircraft is often incorrect, leading to the second definition: "Wrong Every Fucking Time.". Marines have an equivalent "tack" on each side. V1 Division: Aircraft Handlers on the flight deck. Boats: A sailor in the Boatswain's Mate rating or the Aviation Boatswain's Mate rating, or the ship's Bosun or Air Bosun, the latter usually a CWO or LDO. Air Boss: Air Officer. BINGO: Minimum fuel needed to return to base (RTB). Supposedly from the first letters of the words "Oh Shit. Poke. Balls O'Clock: Any unspecified time late at night when it is absurd to be awake and having to do things, be on watch, etc. Hummer: Slang for the E-2C Hawkeye, mostly for the sound of its props. Mobile Hospital #4 of September 1942 Frog Hog: A female who hangs around Navy SEALs. The untrained sailors have a quad zip NEC of 0000. "Boopdiddley!" Similar to a Bremerloe. AFRTB: (Airframes runs this bitch) Term commonly used among AM's. one or both of the sailors is currently in a relationship/marriage with a person not stationed on the ship). When the wardroom is short on baby Ensigns and/or in shipyard overhaul periods the 1st Lt may be a Chief Petty Officer. Mags: Place to store ammunition and weapons in warships and fortifications. That's also a boondoggle. Puka: any small space or opening. Crash & Smash (team): Permanently assigned flight deck firefighting personnel. "Another Fine Navy Day! USS Loungechair: The fictional ship sailors serve on when they retire. These are broken up into divisions. While not permitted to do the job, it gets the job done just the same. "I see you have summer creases in your shirt. (See "Brown Water Navy."). Raisin: Recruit or junior sailor, predominantly heard at Naval Training Commands. Replaced with the PFA. Kamikaze: A hetero male Marine who is so gung-ho that he can only be sexually satisfied by another male Marine. All catapults, rocket catapults and rocket motors currently in use are solid-propellant devices. VC: Viet Cong: Guerilla forces in South Vietnam allied with the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) during the Vietnam War. B.D.N.W.W. ", Seaman Timmy/Fireman Timmy: Used in similar fashion as "Seaman Schmuckatelli" except with a slightly more negative connotation of a sailor who is not too bright, or could be expected to do something stupid without any malicious intent. So called due to the number of fires that have broken out on board ship. Snot Locker: The storage area for snot a person's nose. Floating Bellhop: Derisive Army term for sailor. Do not stand near one of the speakers without hearing protection. Many sailors find this amusing until it happens to them. Other usage: "PFM circuit" for electronics in depot level repair only equipment whose inner workings are not required to be known. Meatball: (1) Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System, a visual landing aid used by naval aviators landing on a carrier. View Nagaraj Barpat's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. They have small, useless metal handles on the side, and are perfectly sized so that one has to turn them at an angle to get through a knee knocker without grazing one's knuckles. If they are found to have soiled clothing as a result of not showering, several of the company will take the recruit into the barracks shower and scrub the persons bare skin with floor broom heads. 7MC: On submarines this is generally the Ship's Control Comms Circuit (between the OOD on the bridge and Helmsman below in Control. Foc's'le Follies: A gathering of all the aviators in the airwing in the carrier's foc's'le (forecastle). Importers for this supplier for the last 12 months. Description: Gray Band, White Background, Scalloped. Gator squares: Putting a square on a chart, often 3 miles by 3 miles, in the middle of a body of water, and steaming around in it for hours. Shit Can, Shitcan: Either the name for a trash can, or the act of throwing something into the trash. Tweak: An Aviation Electronics Technician or AT. Mamasan: Proprietor of a sail ) Filled by the wind on ship... Just outside the main gate of Yokosuka Naval Base the Surface Navy... 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